My Lovely Mother, Maura Bridget

Created by Kathleen 2 years ago

Thank you for the memories, that no one can erase
Thank you for the experiences, of the, good and bad days!
Thank you for the love, the kindness and the care
But most of all thank you, mother for just being there!

Your selfless ways are a fine example for generations to be following
You’d help anyone in need, never heard you wallowing!
You’d lend an ear,
You’d lend a hand,
You’d go out of your way!
Your patience would be tested and of course your heart would ache!
But being that resilient woman, never would you break!

You never judged others
You somehow, just always understood.
You took on, jobs to pay the bills and food was always on the table!
The spuds would be peeled the veg finely chopped and every one fed by 6 o’clock
You were the first one up and last one to bed
Oh yes and your favourite colour was red!

I enjoyed every minute of being with you, especially so in your later years

It was a pleasure to know you, to hug you, to love you.

Thank you, dear Mother.

I’ll miss you terribly my dear, forever in our hearts.

Sleep tight, Maura Bridget.

With love from,
Kathleen Theresa Bridget.